Coldwell Banker Realty’s new CEO: There’s ‘opportunity’ in diversity

In her first public interview since taking the helm from M. Ryan Gorman in March, Kamini Lane expressed her passion for creating diverse role models in real estate at both the executive and the agent level to shape a more inclusive industry.

10 speakers you need to meet at Inman Connect this summer

Check out who is speaking this year at Inman Connect Las Vegas! Join us Aug. 8-10 for a power-packed line-up of distinguished speakers.

Welcome to My Crib. It’s Rented. And It’s a Moneymaker.

Though they don’t own their apartments, some renters are investing in the décor and design of their units to display on social media and are getting paid to do it.

Modwell visualizes a new way to market a listing: Tech Review

Agents and buyers can work together to search and save relevant homes from their market, and then leverage Modwell’s well-built custom rendering and design services to “imagine” what can be done to the property, inside and out.

Don’t Jump into Spring Cleaning. Take It Slow.

A writer discovers the joy of breaking up chores into manageable chunks.

Mojo, revolutions, AI headshots: Catch up on Inman’s Top 5

Wondering what you missed this week? Find out with Inman's Top 5 most-read stories of the week.

Welcome to The Download, your Friday roundup

The Download is a weekly review of one essential story from the week's Top 5, along with articles designed to provide the perspective and context you need.

How AI is poised to transform luxury real estate

As AI generative applications like ChatGPT become integrated with operations and systems across real estate firms, these tools will help scale bespoke services to clients and prospects in a way that will empower brokers to offer value in an ongoing way versus just helping in the transaction.

UWM says it’s hiring as Bloomberg details alleged ‘locker room culture’

The nation's biggest mortgage lender is planning to hire 500 people and is holding a job fair Saturday just days after a Bloomberg News expose of alleged drug use, discrimination and harassment.

Office vacancy rises above Great Recession levels to record high

Nationwide vacancy in office buildings is at 12.9 percent. Availability of space is at 16.4 percent. Both are record highs, according to a new report from CoStar.

The investor who predicted 2008 bubble warns of ‘ominous’ burst

Jerry Grantham, co-founder of the investment firm GMO, said this week he fears another bubble is about to burst, with the crisis that gripped the banking system in March just the beginning.

Broker Spotlight: Eric Bramlett, Bramlett Residential

Find out how this Austin broker took an initial setback and turned it into a thriving brokerage that's focused on motivating the team.

The agent count model doesn’t work for teams

If you want to see your team implode after a few years, focus on filling seats with anyone who can breathe, Jeff Glover writes. Here’s why the agent count model simply doesn’t work for building a profitable team.

Industry experts share how to make the most out of the market

Watch as Jimmy Burgess and Beau Blankenship share their sentiments on what is to come this spring, and what that will look like for agents.

Tips for the first year real estate agent

Congratulations on starting your career as a real estate agent! Here are some tips for your first year: Build your network: As a real estate agent, networking is crucial to your success. Start by attending industry events, joining local business organizations, and reaching out to your friends and family for referrals.Focus on your niche: Real estat...

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4 ways to level up your brokerage and develop your team

By focusing on team development and a team-oriented culture, you can gain a stronger, more experienced team that outsells the competition.

4 ways to help agents (re)adjust to a normal market

How the real estate agents in your brokerage respond to change is key. Don’t let it run you over. Make it work for you.

Is your brokerage stuck? Here’s what you’re probably missing

Fortunately, you don't have to stay stuck in patterns that are no longer working for you or your brokerage. Here's what you may need to create change.

Redfin lays off 201 staffers in third round of ‘painful’ cuts since June

The brokerage said the employees impacted by the latest round of layoffs were mostly in the real estate support department, but some executive were also let go.

Homes for Sale in Brooklyn and Manhattan

This week’s properties are in Central Harlem, Midtown and Brooklyn Heights.

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