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    Thriving in a Changing Market - Sep 15

    Greg Parham will teach you how to take market share from your competitors by answering the most asked market-related questions.

    Learn how to take market share from your competitors by handling these key client questions.

    - Are we in a bubble?
    - Do increasing interest rates result in a sm...
    Greg Parham will teach you how to take market share from your competitors by answering the most asked market-related questions.

    Learn how to take market share from your competitors by handling these key client questions.

    - Are we in a bubble?
    - Do increasing interest rates result in a smaller number of homes sold?
    - How much has showing traffic decreased? What does it mean for buyers? Sellers?
    - How does Days on Market (DOM) change over a market cycle?
    - How do discounts change over a market cycle?
    - Is the recent increase in inventory something to be worried about?
    - Does it still make sense to buy your first home? Or keep renting?
    - Are buyers still paying a premium over asking price?
    - Are homes still selling the first weekend they are listed?
    - Does it matter when I list my house?
    - Is the number of withdrawn / expired listings increasing? Why didn’t they sell?
    - What are the dangers of overpricing?
    15th Sep, 2022 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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