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    Effective Selling Strategies in a Shifting Market - Sep 27

    As our market begins to shift, we must re-focus on effective strategies to prepare, price, list, and negotiate home sales.

    It’s been a long time since sellers have had to make any adjustments in the selling process, but with our market shifting the “list it and it will sell tomorrow” approach ...
    As our market begins to shift, we must re-focus on effective strategies to prepare, price, list, and negotiate home sales.

    It’s been a long time since sellers have had to make any adjustments in the selling process, but with our market shifting the “list it and it will sell tomorrow” approach won’t be enough. Come to this class for an in-depth conversation on proven techniques as well as new strategies for selling homes in a shifting market.
    27th Sep, 2022 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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