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    RESO (Real Estate Standards Organization) Summer Camp 2022

    As RESO continues our endeavor to provide education to the organized real estate world, please join us for two exciting opportunities to learn about RE data and standards this summer. The Data Dictionary Orientation is a new opportunity to receive an overview of the Data Dictionary and a chance f...
    As RESO continues our endeavor to provide education to the organized real estate world, please join us for two exciting opportunities to learn about RE data and standards this summer. The Data Dictionary Orientation is a new opportunity to receive an overview of the Data Dictionary and a chance for Q&A outside of a workgroup meeting. The RESO Working with Real Estate Data course is a self-paced tool for those who work with real estate data in any form.

    Data Dictionary Orientation
    Wednesday, July 13, 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT (1 hour)
    If the Data Dictionary remains a mystery, making you feel like you can’t contribute at workgroup meetings, this is your camp. We will return to the basics of its functions and engage new participants for this important RESO endeavor. You can send an email to support@reso.org to receive a calendar invite, or find the meeting info below.

    Meeting Link: https://reso-org.zoom.us/j/89702662973?pwd=dXlYWlh5NHhzaGdOU2UrazkyamxHZz09
    ID: 897 0266 2973
    Passcode: 241265
    Find your local number: https://reso-org.zoom.us/u/kdSKNwsij
    This meeting is governed by the RESO Antitrust Policy, https://www.reso.org/antitrust-statement/

    Working with Real Estate Data (WWRED) – Business Module
    Online Course / Take at Your Own Pace | LEARN MORE | REGISTER
    WWRED provides understanding for how data flows through the industry. The Business Module covers the organizations, rules, processes and technology systems that create the real estate data ecosystem. Add the RED-B designation to your resume this summer! Sign up your whole team for this data primer; bulk rates available.

    If you have any questions, please contact support@reso.org. We look forward to seeing you soon!
    13th Jul, 2022
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