• Prospect - FollowUP - Conversations to Contracts is How Simple the business is. I am offering FREE Prospecting to introduce this simple, yet powerful mobile tool.

    During initial pandemic fears, I went to work on my #LegendaryFollowUP app ExpectMyCall with Nile Technologies. (While driving a Forklift to help out my local supply chain and having a record year in Real Estate Sales) I needed a Life Planner that would prevent contacts from 'falling into the cracks'.

    Grab the App at the Apple Store, and complete the contact form found at  https://ExpectMyCall.info
    for this huge (85%) discount on an invaluable too for the Sales Professional. If you don't Document and commit to FollowUP your revenue will show it.

    Best wishes for an amazing 2022! - Ed
    ps. Your Data is always your data. It is available because it is stored encrypted in Google Cloud Firestore database. (Never use a business email address for Important Information like this. Businesses change and your Network is your NetWorth - and you will want a Password Reset occasionally
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