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    Appraisal Waivers: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Jun 11

    How Appraisal Waivers Change the Contract
    You'll learn how various waivers tie, or don't tie, to the contract contingency.

    Alternative Clauses
    We will present a few alternative clauses to examine what makes them better for buyers or sellers depending on the circumstances.

    How to Analyze A...
    How Appraisal Waivers Change the Contract
    You'll learn how various waivers tie, or don't tie, to the contract contingency.

    Alternative Clauses
    We will present a few alternative clauses to examine what makes them better for buyers or sellers depending on the circumstances.

    How to Analyze Appraisal Waivers
    We will run several different appraisal waivers through various scenarios to show how poorly written clauses can cause big problems.

    Dangers of Writing Clauses Not Attorney Approved
    When things go wrong with poorly written additional provisions, the dispute often turns to who wrote it.

    11th Jun, 2021 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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