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    Columbus Building and Renovation Expo 2025

    The Columbus Building & Renovation Expo is the perfect event to kick-off your New Year and get you closer than ever to making your dream home a reality!
    From top quality exhibits, to insightful demonstrations and more, you’ll discover thousands of smart, stylish and cost-effective ways to design...
    The Columbus Building & Renovation Expo is the perfect event to kick-off your New Year and get you closer than ever to making your dream home a reality!
    From top quality exhibits, to insightful demonstrations and more, you’ll discover thousands of smart, stylish and cost-effective ways to design or renovate your home – including the latest ideas in: Kitchens, Baths, Custom Remodeling, Windows, Siding, Roofing, Doors, Sunrooms, Room Additions, Basements, Cabinets, Countertops, Carpet & Hardwood Floors, Landscaping, Decks, Patios, Saunas & Spas, New Home Construction & Design, New Product Ideas & much, much more!
    When you join us at the Columbus Building & Renovation Expo at the Ohio Expo Center, you’ll get the answers, advice, insight and ideas you need – and have a lot of fun too!
    3rd Jan, 2025 12:00PM - 5th Jan, 2025 5:00PM
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