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    Charlotte Build, Remodel and Landscape Expo 2025

    Welcome to the Build, Remodel and Landscape Expo. This comprehensive and expansive home show brings together homeowners and the area's leading building and remodeling experts.

    From top quality exhibits, to insightful demonstrations and more, you will discover thousands of smart, stylish and co...
    Welcome to the Build, Remodel and Landscape Expo. This comprehensive and expansive home show brings together homeowners and the area's leading building and remodeling experts.

    From top quality exhibits, to insightful demonstrations and more, you will discover thousands of smart, stylish and cost-effective ways to design or renovate your home – including ideas on the latest in: Kitchens, Bathrooms, Cabinetry, Countertops, Flooring, Sunrooms and Additions, Basement Finishing, Waterproofing, Smart Home Automation, Energy Efficient Windows, Exterior Products, Painting, Roofing, Handyman Services, Hot Tubs and Spas.

    Meet hundreds of local experts who will be on-hand to answer your questions and provide you with special “insiders” advice to help you save money, time and stress.
    3rd Jan, 2025 12:00PM - 5th Jan, 2025 5:00PM
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