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    What Brokers Should Know About Colorado’s New Lease Non-Renewal Law

    In this class, real estate attorney, Greg Parham, will provide an informative overview of the new “No-Fault” eviction law
    Are you a broker with landlord clients wanting to sell? The new “No Fault” eviction law in Colorado requires lengthy notice and other special requirements before a landlord c...
    In this class, real estate attorney, Greg Parham, will provide an informative overview of the new “No-Fault” eviction law
    Are you a broker with landlord clients wanting to sell? The new “No Fault” eviction law in Colorado requires lengthy notice and other special requirements before a landlord can terminate a lease to sell the property, renovate it, or re-purpose it to a short-term rental.

    Many landlords are unaware of this legal change! If they don’t follow very particular notice requirements there plans for you to sell will be delayed – by a lot.

    In this class, real estate attorney, Greg Parham, will provide an informative overview of the new “No-Fault” eviction law, as well as guidance concerning the new requirements for renewing or terminating leases to permit the landlord to sell or renovate the property.
    12th Dec, 2024 11:00AM - 12:00PM
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