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  • Event Manager created a new event

    Suburban Indy Spring Home and Outdoor Living Show 2025

    Our locally owned and operated event was created to connect local homeowners with local businesses! As a small business, we understand the importance and value in meeting your customers and your chosen contractor, face to face, to discuss your outdoor living, home improvement, remodeling and othe...
    Our locally owned and operated event was created to connect local homeowners with local businesses! As a small business, we understand the importance and value in meeting your customers and your chosen contractor, face to face, to discuss your outdoor living, home improvement, remodeling and other better-living needs.

    In addition to helping make your home improvement dreams a reality, we also connect you to local small businesses and artisans who offer delicious food products, handmade goods, plants, wine, beer, spirits, pet merchandise, decor and many other items and gifts for the Spring season
    7th Feb, 2025 10:00AM - 9th Feb, 2025 4:00PM
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