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    How to Adjust Like an Appraiser

    Realtors understand that one of the most common issues with property appraisals is the amount and type of appraisal adjustments. Sometimes, borrowers, agents, and lenders question the validity of reports, asking questions regarding the value of adjustments. Contrary to popular belief, appraisal-r...
    Realtors understand that one of the most common issues with property appraisals is the amount and type of appraisal adjustments. Sometimes, borrowers, agents, and lenders question the validity of reports, asking questions regarding the value of adjustments. Contrary to popular belief, appraisal-related adjustments are not merely the appraiser's guesses. Also, note that they are not calculated figures. Appraisers don't use them to mathematically force a preconceived or predetermined adjusted market value estimate to support a value conclusion for the relevant property. Appraisal adjustments are important, and if an appraiser fails to support their adjustments, then the appraisal results will be subject to questions, leading to many possible adverse outcomes. This course will provide real estate brokers with the understanding of how appraisers come up with adjustment rates. This course provides the necessary knowledge to advise broker associates on how to understand how an appraiser begins to develop adjustment rates for differences between properties.

    Cost - $20
    Credits - 2

    Instructor Name - SCOTT HAMLING
    Company Name - Cherry Creek Mortgage
    13th Dec, 2023 9:00AM - 11:00AM
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