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    The 5 Obstacles that are Hindering First-Time Homebuyers & How to Help Them

    Wednesday, November 8, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
    In-Person Event: 1333 W 120th Ave Suite 116, Westminster CO 80234

    Learn more about the top 5 obstacles first-time home buyers face.
    Survey after survey reveals that first-time home buyers have many obstacles and much misinformation that is...
    Wednesday, November 8, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
    In-Person Event: 1333 W 120th Ave Suite 116, Westminster CO 80234

    Learn more about the top 5 obstacles first-time home buyers face.
    Survey after survey reveals that first-time home buyers have many obstacles and much misinformation that is keeping them from achieving or even pursuing the American Dream of Homeownership.

    Here are the top 5 obstacles first-time homebuyers have that keep them from buying a home per multiple consumer surveys—

    - Record high mortgage rates
    - The real estate market is going to crash soon
    - They believe they don’t have enough money saved.
    - The lack of homes within their budget
    - They believe they don’t have good enough credit

    What YOU will learn—

    - The truth about each obstacle and how you can provide wisdom and confidence to renters that they can achieve the American Dream of Homeownership.
    - How to educate consumers on their #1 obstacle that I am going to wait to buy until mortgage rates drop.
    - You will learn about the 6 different loan programs that require 3.50% down or less plus 4 different down payment assistance programs.
    - The #1 reason why renters think that home ownership is not in their budget.
    - I will provide you with 3 ideas on how first-time home buyers can make their mortgage payments more affordable.
    - How collections, charge-offs, and bankruptcies impact a consumer’s ability to buy a home.
    - You will learn my Top 5 Credit Tips from my 25+ years of experience.

    2 Free CE Credits
    Class taught by Lonnie Glessner
    8th Nov, 2023 1:00PM - 3:00PM
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