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    Mainstay Investor Symposium 2023

    Looking to expand your real estate portfolio and network with like-minded investors? Look no further than Mainstay Property Group's upcoming real estate networking event in Indianapolis: The Mainstay Investor Symposium!

    For the fifth year in a row, we're bringing together investors from all ov...
    Looking to expand your real estate portfolio and network with like-minded investors? Look no further than Mainstay Property Group's upcoming real estate networking event in Indianapolis: The Mainstay Investor Symposium!

    For the fifth year in a row, we're bringing together investors from all over the country to connect, learn, and grow their portfolios. And this year, we're excited to announce that we're opening up the event to in-state investors and real estate professionals for the first time ever!

    Over the course of the weekend, you'll have the chance to meet with dozens of vendors and experts in the industry, including lenders, property managers, and more. You'll also get to attend a variety of informative sessions and workshops on everything from market trends to property management best practices.

    But perhaps most importantly, you'll have the chance to connect with other investors who share your passion for real estate. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in the game for years, you'll find plenty of opportunities to build new relationships and learn from others' experiences.

    So why should you come to Indianapolis for this event? With the most vendors we've ever had, and a new focus on connecting with local investors, this is the perfect chance to take your real estate game to the next level. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to learn, connect, and grow - register for The Mainstay Investor Symposium today!
    3rd Nov, 2023 12:00PM - 5th Nov, 2023 3:30PM
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