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    All in One Mortgage

    The rising interest rates have created a certain level of fear and hesitation in many home buyers. In this course we are going to dive into a completely unique mortgage product that can dramatically change the way your clients view their buying power and alleviate those fears! The All-In-One Mort...
    The rising interest rates have created a certain level of fear and hesitation in many home buyers. In this course we are going to dive into a completely unique mortgage product that can dramatically change the way your clients view their buying power and alleviate those fears! The All-In-One Mortgage is a loan your clients have probably never heard of, but it is one that everyone should know about. Utilizing key features that conventional loans do not offer, the All-In-One enables your clients to: Pay down their loan quicker, creating available equity for additional home purchases Access home equity 24/7, enabling buyers to purchase 2 nd homes and investment properties Feel comfortable buying the home they want in a higher-rate environment Have the potential for greater purchasing power A smarter loan can help you sell more houses!

    Credits - 1

    Instructor Name - Paul Barton
    1st Mar, 2023 10:00AM - 11:30AM
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