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    The Mortgage Process (Behind the Scenes) Webinar (Colorado Only)

    Presented by Todd Pazol of Supreme Lending
    3 CE for Colorado Agents | No Cost

    From A to Z, you’ll learn the entire mortgage process and how to find/pick the best loan officer and the correct way to shop for a lender like you have not seen before. After registering, you’ll be provided with a Z...
    Presented by Todd Pazol of Supreme Lending
    3 CE for Colorado Agents | No Cost

    From A to Z, you’ll learn the entire mortgage process and how to find/pick the best loan officer and the correct way to shop for a lender like you have not seen before. After registering, you’ll be provided with a Zoom link to join on the date of the webinar.
    7th Feb, 2023 10:00AM - 1:00PM
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