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    2023 Contracts and Forms Class (In-Person Class)

    Presented by Beth Anne Demeter of A+ Real Estate School
    Sponsored by Chelsey Brown of My Denver Mortgage Company
    Windemere Real Estate – Lower Level Conference Room

    2 CE

    This mandatory Annual Commission Update class is required annually for every licensed Colorado agent. The webina...
    Presented by Beth Anne Demeter of A+ Real Estate School
    Sponsored by Chelsey Brown of My Denver Mortgage Company
    Windemere Real Estate – Lower Level Conference Room

    2 CE

    This mandatory Annual Commission Update class is required annually for every licensed Colorado agent. The webinar provides the latest updates for 2023. After registering, you will be provided with a Zoom link one day prior to the webinar date.

    31st Jan, 2023 9:00AM - 11:00AM
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