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    How to Create a Pension Using Real Estate - Oct 13

    As I learn more about what may lie ahead for the stock market for the next decade (much lower returns than this decade) and the fact that mortgage rates are lower and inflation could be rising, I am more convinced that real estate is where we need to be investing our hard-earned Dollars. Plus I h...
    As I learn more about what may lie ahead for the stock market for the next decade (much lower returns than this decade) and the fact that mortgage rates are lower and inflation could be rising, I am more convinced that real estate is where we need to be investing our hard-earned Dollars. Plus I have been deeply passionate about real estate investing for a long time and the impact it can MAKE IN YOUR LIFE and your clients’ lives!

    Thus, I am teaching my class titled "How to Create a Pension Using Real Estate".

    Here is what you will learn.
    - Why you can’t count on pensions, Social Security, or IRAs/401ks
    - How just 2 rentals can create a predictable lifetime income stream
    - Learn the 6 tax advantages with investment real estate
    - Learn the 10 benefits of investing in real estate
    - 4 ways to acquire properties
    - How to use OPM to finance your properties
    - The pros and cons of each property type
    - Over 20 great insider property manager tips

    Taught by Lonnie Glessner, Draper & Kramer Mortgage
    13th Oct, 2022 9:00AM - 11:00AM
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