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    Buyer Skills 2.0- Save Time, Get Offers Accepted, and Earn More Referrals - Aug 30

    WHEN: Tuesday | August 30, 2022 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    WHERE: Virtual, hosted through Zoom

    WHY: Buyer-burnout is real, and so is buyer-agent burnout. This class will cover ways to set good expectations and wow your clients, so that they know what it takes to WIN in this competitive market. O...
    WHEN: Tuesday | August 30, 2022 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    WHERE: Virtual, hosted through Zoom

    WHY: Buyer-burnout is real, and so is buyer-agent burnout. This class will cover ways to set good expectations and wow your clients, so that they know what it takes to WIN in this competitive market. Our aim is to save you and your clients time, earn you more referrals, we'll share key MLS and contract writing tips, and ultimately all of that put together will improve your chances of getting more offers accepted.

    INSTRUCTOR: Aaron Lebovic

    CE CREDITS: 2 (In order to receive CE credits, you must: have video capability, have video on and be visible for the duration of the class. You may not drive, show homes or participate in any distractions during class. CE credits will not be given to those who fail to follow these guidelines.)

    PRICE: Free for current DMAR Members (must be a DMAR member to register) Registration will begin July 15th 8:00AM

    CLASS POLICIES: If you register for this class, we ask that you make every effort to attend. Registrations are limited and sell out quickly limiting the number of members able to participate. You must attend the entire class to receive your Colorado Continuing Education Credits.
    30th Aug, 2022 10:00AM - 12:00PM
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