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    HECM Reverse Mortgages - Aug 30

    There are many misconceptions about todays Reverse Mortgage. The fact is a lot has changed since 2013 and a Reverse Mortgage should not be a loan of last resort. A Reverse Mortgage can be used to purchase a home or do a refinance. When properly understood and strategically implemented a reverse m...
    There are many misconceptions about todays Reverse Mortgage. The fact is a lot has changed since 2013 and a Reverse Mortgage should not be a loan of last resort. A Reverse Mortgage can be used to purchase a home or do a refinance. When properly understood and strategically implemented a reverse mortgage creates financial freedom and financial flexibility. Agents will take a deeper dive into understanding the functionality of the Reverse Mortgage loan. Agents will have an understanding of differentiating between private reverse mortgages and government-insured reverse mortgages. Agents will leave with the understanding that a Reverse Mortgage can create monthly cash flow options that can be used for multiple purposes. Agents will leave with ideas on how to use a Revere Mortgage for purchase.

    Credits - 1

    Instructor Name - Tim Oddo
    Company Name - Luminate Home Loans
    30th Aug, 2022 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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