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Event Information
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Event Description:
The Louisville Real Estate Investor Meet Up group is for aspiring, beginning and full-time real estate investors interested in networking with other like-minded individuals. During our monthly meetings, we share ideas, learn from one another, and host speakers who talk about topics related to real estate investment.

In this meeting, Donnie Adkins, Owner at Cedar Lounge & Restaurant dba Club Cedar and Joe’s Palm Room, and President at Adkins & Adkins LLC, will talk about how he got started in real estate.

Along with that, he will talk about his experiences investing in long-term rentals as well as his experience owning and operating restaurants. At the end of the meeting, we'll open up the floor for a Q&A session.

Come join Luke Neubauer and Raphael Collazo for this exciting and informative event!

To subscribe to the channel and view prior videos of our MeetUps, check out the link provided here: https://bit.ly/32YzQoO
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