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    PropTech Vienna 2023

    Digitization has reached the real estate industry. Companies that can adapt now, will emerge as the winners and gain a significant competitive advantage.

    PropTech Vienna brings together the players of digitization in the real estate industry: start-ups, decision-makers of the real estate indus...
    Digitization has reached the real estate industry. Companies that can adapt now, will emerge as the winners and gain a significant competitive advantage.

    PropTech Vienna brings together the players of digitization in the real estate industry: start-ups, decision-makers of the real estate industry, universities, representatives of the public sector and politics, business angels, investors, venture capitalists and PropTech funds as well as media and business associations.

    Here you can find all information about our annual conference, which is attended by 300 delegates, including the world’s leading real estate companies, agents, brokers, technical VCs, media and institutional investors, to connect with the PropTech ecosystem.
    27th Apr, 2023
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