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    The Counselors of Real Estate 2022 Annual Convention

    The Counselors of Real Estate is moving to one in-person meeting per year, commencing with Boston 2022: Cheers! Chowder! Change. We’re drawing recognized industry leaders to our podiums; designing interactive sessions with provocative, point/counterpoint elements; increasing property tours in Bos...
    The Counselors of Real Estate is moving to one in-person meeting per year, commencing with Boston 2022: Cheers! Chowder! Change. We’re drawing recognized industry leaders to our podiums; designing interactive sessions with provocative, point/counterpoint elements; increasing property tours in Boston; identifying real estate problem-solving opportunities fostering member collaboration; and creating memorable social events featuring the famous CRE Band, “Sound Counsel.”
    11th Sep, 2022 8:00AM - 14th Sep, 2022 6:00PM
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