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  • Event Manager created a new event

    Homeownership Expo 2022

    Come out and learn about how to become a homeowner in 2022!

    About this event
    Proposed Topics Include:
    Steps to Homeownership

    The Mortgage Process

    Down Payment Assistance

    Avoiding Foreclosure

    Real Estate Investing

    Community Revitalization

    Estate Planning and more

    Click He...
    Come out and learn about how to become a homeowner in 2022!

    About this event
    Proposed Topics Include:
    Steps to Homeownership

    The Mortgage Process

    Down Payment Assistance

    Avoiding Foreclosure

    Real Estate Investing

    Community Revitalization

    Estate Planning and more

    Click Here For Sponsorship Package: https://tinyurl.com/homeownershipexpo2022

    Limited Vendor Tables Available

    $300 - $1,500

    ALL Empire Members Receive a Discount Code - Email admin@empireboard.com for yours!

    18th Jun, 2022 12:00PM - 5:00PM
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