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    How to Handle Todays Top Agent Objections & Win New Clients - June 16

    The market is in flux, and were getting hit with client objections left and right. But that doesnt mean your business cant be stronger than ever. This seminar with leading real estate coach and CEO of SellWell, Aaron Hodson, is all about managing clients from that initial meeting to closing day. ...
    The market is in flux, and were getting hit with client objections left and right. But that doesnt mean your business cant be stronger than ever. This seminar with leading real estate coach and CEO of SellWell, Aaron Hodson, is all about managing clients from that initial meeting to closing day. From overcoming todays most common objections to saying the right thing to win the contract, Aaron will show you actionable strategies he used in his business for managing clients and building a pipeline in a changing market.

    Cost - 0

    Instructor Name - Aaron Hodson
    16th Jun, 2022 10:00AM - 11:30AM
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