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    New England Condominiums Condo & Apt Expo 2022

    Doors Open for Attendee Check-in/Registration
    10:00am - 3:30pm: Exhibit Hall Open/Food Court
    Hundreds of exhibitors will be featured offering all types of condominium services. If you get hungry, don't fret. Our conveniently located in-house food court offers a wide array of tasty snac...
    Doors Open for Attendee Check-in/Registration
    10:00am - 3:30pm: Exhibit Hall Open/Food Court
    Hundreds of exhibitors will be featured offering all types of condominium services. If you get hungry, don't fret. Our conveniently located in-house food court offers a wide array of tasty snacks and light meals to keep you energized as you take in the Expo.
    10:30am - 3:30pm: Educational Seminars
    Industry professionals will present in-depth seminars designed to give attendees a wealth of insider information.
    11:00am - 3:00pm: Free Advice Booths
    Experienced professionals in fields ranging from law to finance to association maintenance will be on-hand throughout the show with advice and answers for both board members, trustees, property managers and residents.
    3rd Nov, 2022 10:00AM - 3:30PM
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