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    Home and Outdoor Living Spring Show 2023

    This show was designed to connect Suburban Indy homeowners with local businesses to discuss your landscape, home improvement and home building needs!

    In addition to helping your home improvement dreams become reality, at this show you will also be able to sample and purchase gourmet food, shop...
    This show was designed to connect Suburban Indy homeowners with local businesses to discuss your landscape, home improvement and home building needs!

    In addition to helping your home improvement dreams become reality, at this show you will also be able to sample and purchase gourmet food, shop with local artists, purchase your Spring plants & decor from local garden centers, find out what’s “on trend” for Spring & Summer, plus learn the best ways to improve your home outdoor living lifestyle!

    Indy’s Only Northside Home & Garden Show
    Other Spring Indy Home Shows are located downtown (Indy Home & Garden Show) or at the fairgrounds (Indianapolis Home Show), and one thing we’ve learned from showgoers… is that they much prefer our Suburban location and its perks!

    FREE parking!
    No traffic jams!
    Suburban neighborhood setting!
    Hassle-free feeling!
    10th Feb, 2023 10:00AM - 12th Feb, 2023 4:00PM
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