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    Turn Contingent Buyer Into Cash Buyer - Apr 28

    Learn how New American Funding has created a portfolio product that will purchase the new home for cash and then sell it back to your buyer.

    In this class, you will learn how New American Funding has created a portfolio product that will purchase the new home for cash and then sell it back to ...
    Learn how New American Funding has created a portfolio product that will purchase the new home for cash and then sell it back to your buyer.

    In this class, you will learn how New American Funding has created a portfolio product that will purchase the new home for cash and then sell it back to your buyer. They can do this with or without a home to sell, but they have up to 90 days after the close of the cash purchase to buy it back. Their loan is the same rate/terms as if they used traditional financing, to begin with. This has been instrumental in getting buyers into the market that would otherwise be left on the sideline.

    Class will be taught by Dan Umbdenstock, New American Funding
    28th Apr, 2022 9:30AM - 10:30AM
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