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    Work Less, Earn More, and Not Feel Guilty About It!

    Author and trainer Steven Ross is going to share the guiding principles from his book, Doors Open When You Knock: A Realtor's Handbook for Boundless Opportunity & Freedom. If you want to work less and earn more, then this is for you. Oh, and if you want to do both of these things and not feel gui...

    Author and trainer Steven Ross is going to share the guiding principles from his book, Doors Open When You Knock: A Realtor's Handbook for Boundless Opportunity & Freedom. If you want to work less and earn more, then this is for you. Oh, and if you want to do both of these things and not feel guilty about it, then this is definitely for you.

    Cost - 0

    Instructor Name - STEVEN ROSS

    Company Name - LIV Sotheby's International Realty

    29th Mar, 2022 2:00PM - 4:00PM
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