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    Do's and Don't of Working with Builders

    This class will give you some real-life pointers on what to do and not do when you are involved in a real estate transaction that also involves a contractor, whether its a new build or a fix and flip. We will go through some real examples of problems that occur and how to avoid them. The class wi...
    This class will give you some real-life pointers on what to do and not do when you are involved in a real estate transaction that also involves a contractor, whether its a new build or a fix and flip. We will go through some real examples of problems that occur and how to avoid them. The class will provide practice pointers on how to avoid getting sued in these situations while still doing the best for your clients.

    Cost - $25
    Credits - 2

    Instructor Name - Cinthia Manzano
    Company Name - Frascona, Joiner, Goodman & Greenstein P.C.
    13th Jul, 2021 10:00AM - 12:00PM
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