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  • Keval Chawla created a new event

    MoRE 2.0 Conference Dubai

    The MoRE 2.0 (Money & Real Estate) Conference is designed to bring together leading finance and real estate professionals to share insights and strategies to navigate the current economic landscape best. This finance and real estate conference reviews key topics such as investment banking, avoidi...
    The MoRE 2.0 (Money & Real Estate) Conference is designed to bring together leading finance and real estate professionals to share insights and strategies to navigate the current economic landscape best. This finance and real estate conference reviews key topics such as investment banking, avoiding fraud and scam offenses, commercial banking, real estate market analysis, spam in mortgage finance, risk management, and many more. Apart from learning and networking, you can exhibit your solutions before global leaders and boost your brand awareness as a sponsor. This is your chance to explore the world of finance and real estate!
    The three-day event will take place at the Holiday Inn, Dubai Festival City, in Dubai, UAE (June 19-21, 2023).
    19th Jun, 2023 12:00AM - 21st Jun, 2023 12:00AM
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