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    The Housing Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For (In Person Class)

    Join us in person for a one hour webinar presentation by Barry Habib of Edge Home Finance. He will talk about the opportunity you’ve been waiting for in the housing market. Learn how to: uncover the best buying opportunity in housing, when rates will come down and how much, understanding seller c...
    Join us in person for a one hour webinar presentation by Barry Habib of Edge Home Finance. He will talk about the opportunity you’ve been waiting for in the housing market. Learn how to: uncover the best buying opportunity in housing, when rates will come down and how much, understanding seller concessions to win more deals, and more!

    No Cost
    0 CE

    Presented by Barry Habib of Edge Home Finance
    Sponsored by Kelley Hamilton of Edge Home Finance
    12th Jan, 2023 9:45PM - 10:45PM
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