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    Airbnb 101 - Nov 2

    Interested in learning more about Airbnb? We'll go over the ins and the outs, how to get started and what to be aware of; including: how Airbnb works, pros/cons, analyzing an Airbnb investment, laws and taxes, insurance, and resources for future hosts and agents.

    Instructor Name - Lisa Kerin-We...
    Interested in learning more about Airbnb? We'll go over the ins and the outs, how to get started and what to be aware of; including: how Airbnb works, pros/cons, analyzing an Airbnb investment, laws and taxes, insurance, and resources for future hosts and agents.

    Instructor Name - Lisa Kerin-Welch & Sabrina Calnan
    2nd Nov, 2021 11:00AM - 1:00PM
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