Watch: Fixing your fixer upper

Given the extremely limited inventory conditions the past few years, many people ultimately bought homes that needed some work. What resources are available for consumers to educate themselves on how to finance these renovations so they can stave off buyer’s remorse?

Pacaso: What it is and how agents can use the second-home platform

Pacaso has emerged as a leading second-home platform in the real estate co-ownership market. Here’s how real estate agents can earn more by selling one-eighth shares in any market.

Lesson Learned: Your vibe attracts your tribe

Find out how Alexandra Peters brings a truly global perspective to her work with ONE Sotheby's International Realty.

Agent Outlook: Know the market so that you can translate the market

Being able to crunch the numbers and speak about trends allows you to better interpret market movements for leads and clients in your area. Livian's Eric Forney offers the relevant data so that you always know where to focus.

10 essentials for effective negotiating in today’s market

The last two years in real estate were like a party that just kept going. Luxury agent Cara Ameer offers insights that allow you to navigate the new realities with skill and confidence.

Put your Instagram content to work! 3 steps for growing your audience

Don’t have time to create new content for every platform? Check out these three tips from Instagram expert Michelle Berman Mikel on how you can repurpose content you post on Instagram and use it for your email list. 

Work smarter! 5 rules for repurposing real estate content

Repurposing content across platforms is a smart way to streamline your workload and ensure that your entire audience doesn’t miss a message. Laura Stace, VP of luxury marketing for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, lays out five rules to help make repurposing content simple.

3 secrets successful agents use to make sure their business thrive

Although the ride may sometimes feel extreme, the most successful agents strap in tight for the long haul. Whether facing a peak or valley, they focus on making the ride smooth.

Huge rewards for agent referrals

"We wanted to say ‘thank you’ by providing them with greater and more permanent benefits for their referrals. We have already seen an increase in agent referrals and look forward to seeing how our agents take advantage of this new program."

How tech for all is making the real estate industry better

At ShowingTime+, we’re thinking about how we can equip agents with tech that enables them to deliver elevated real estate experiences for their clients and puts them at the forefront of this transformation.

Stop building someone else’s brand

You’ve achieved incredible success helping your clients build equity through ownership, and you don’t own your brand. All the hard work you’re doing is contributing to someone else’s equity, not your own.

How real estate investors prioritize luxury buying and selling decisions right now

Where are savvy investors setting their sights? Three experts convene here to discuss the trends they’ve witnessed among today’s luxury real estate investors.

Finance of America exiting wholesale, correspondent lending

The Irving, Texas-based lender is also reportedly in negotiations to sell its retail mortgage division, which employs about 1,000 loan originators nationwide.

The big iBuyers are getting brutalized in the stock market

Shares in Opendoor, Offerpad and Redfin all hit all-time low prices Friday. The milestones come after months of declines for companies across the real estate space.

Homebuyers show signs of pulling back as mortgage rates move again

Tour requests to Redfin agents fell 7 percent, and mortgage applications declined 13 percent during the week ending Oct. 1. "Mortgage rates well over 6% are spooking homebuyers," Redfin says.

Real estate jobs hold strong even as sales slip, summer ends

Real estate hiring bucked seasonal expectations for September, reflecting steady payrolls despite a weakening sales environment, according to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Courts, comforts, Compass: Inman’s Top 5 stories of the week

Catch up on the most-read stories of the week, as determined by Inman readers. Here's Inman Top 5 for Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, 2022.

8 challenges agents should be ready for when selling a luxury penthouse

From dealing with co-op boards to undoing prior upgrades that weren't up to code, these are the unique challenges luxury agents said can come up with a penthouse transaction.

What our Peloton obsession has in common with the US housing boom

Like the rise and fall of Peloton, which announced 500 layoffs Thursday, America's geographic reshuffling has ended with high interest rates further squelching demand, Brad Inman writes.

Zillow iBuyer program officially ends as last homes leave the market

A year after announcing it would abandon its iBuyer program, Zillow has offloaded the last of the homes it bought with Zillow Offers, marking the end of a major chapter in real estate history.

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